Pratyangira Devi


Offering of donations in a Devalay by an individual amounts to giving up attachment at the vyashti sadhana(Individual spiritual practice that benefits only the seeker undertaking it) level and assimilating divinity, that is, detachment. Since the individual’s attachment is related to the gross energy, the scriptures say that donations should be in the form of gross objects like wealth, coconut etc. Devalay is a constituent that provides Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) to the society and preserves it in the society. Since donating in a Devalay is as good as contributing to its growth, the individual unknowingly becomes involved in the samashti sadhana (Spiritual practice for the spread of Spirituality). It reaches the next stage in samashti sadhana and thus gets involved in the Divine cause of enhancing the growth of Dharma.

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