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Legend has it that once when a simple love game between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati became serious. It built up to such intensity that Lord Shiva intended to walk out. When all efforts of Devi Parvati failed to pacify Her beloved consort, She manifested Herself into the fierce (Ugra roop) form of Maa Kali. Seeing this terrible form, it is said, Lord Shiva took flight but every direction He ran to had one more form of Divine Mother. Thus the 10 forms, the Dus Mahavidya manifested. So the Lord could not escape. The Dus Mahavidyas made Lord Shiva aware of the eternal love which existed between Him and Devi Parvati. Seeing the forms of the Dus Mahavidya, which ranged from scary and fearful(Ugra roop) to stunningly beautiful(Soumya roop), is said to have had a spiritual awakening in the Lord. Therefore, the Dus Mahavidya Devis are manifestations of the Divine Mother to bring about shifts in energies and spiritual awakening in the human race.



Kali, the dark-coloured goddess, is a perfect example of any goddess that is known not in the goddess cluster. Even though the order, names, and a number of the Mahavidyas vary according to different sources, Kali is definitely included. Kali is often referred to as the most crucial or primary Mahavidya. In most occurrences, it appears that all the other Mahavidyas originate through Kali, and are somewhat different embodiments connected with her. Kali is sort of always regarded being a dark presence, dreadful appearance.

Holding a blood-dripping cleaver along with a severed head in Her hand has a posture of blessings along with the Abhaya Mudra (assurance of Her protection) with Her two other hands. Kali, a symbol of greatest reality; She truly reveals the type of fully awakened consciousness. The mighty Devi Kali removes the darkness of ignorance and brings the light of awareness of the truth about self. The effects of Planet Saturn are under the control of Divine Maa Kali.

Direction: North

॥ ॐ क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं हूं हूं ह्रीं ह्रीं दक्षिणे कालिके क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं हूं हूं ह्रीं ह्रीं स्वाहा ॥
“Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Dakshine Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Svaha॥”

The cause which moves the subtle body to the infinite perfection and beyond, cut the ego! cut the ego! Maya! Maya!
Oh, Goddess who removes all the darkness. I am ONE with God


Tara is placed second in the series of Mahavidyas and is also called Tarini, the deliverer. Her physical appearance is mostly like Goddess Kali among all the other Mahavidyas. The name Tara means star. The significance is frequently interpreted as being similar to that of Kali. Tara is often described with three bright red eyes. Similar to Maa Kali, Tara is frequently depicted holding a severed human head, has a protruding belly and wears a Tiger skin. Her head is adorned with five half Moons. Devi Tara may appear terrible but for the devotees, She illuminates the mind, removes what is not of the highest good for Her children. Her power is the force of sound, the importance of silence to delve deeper inside the mind. Worshipping and chanting the Devi’s Dus Mahavidya Beej Mantra also helps to garner Her blessings. The effects of Planet Jupiter (Guru) on Earth is controlled by Her.

Direction: North

॥ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं फट् ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं हूं फट् ॥
“Om Hreem Shreem Phat Om Aim Hreem Shreem Hoom Phat ||”

I bow to the Goddess who brings an abundance of knowledge and takes away fear and darkness.



Maa Shodashi or Tripura Sundari is the ravishing eternal beauty and Her name means, the beauty of the three worlds. Tripura-Sundari’s Dhyana Mantra portrays her as ‘She shines like the bright radiance of rising Sun’. Shodashi means the One Who is sixteen years and is the Tantric form of Tripura Sundari. In her four hands, She holds a noose, a goad, flower arrows, along with a bow of Sugarcane. Chanting Her Mantra brings to the awareness that beauty of the soul is of importance, the physical beauty is mere illusion and superficial desire. Meditating on Her Yantra and with chanting of Dus Mahavidya Beej Mantra of the Goddess, the worshipper is blessed with the power to attract and enchant the world. Devi Shodashi is connected to the planet Mercury(Budha).

Direction: Northeast


॥ श्रीं क ए ई ल ह्रीं; ह स क ह ल ह्रीं; स क ल ह्रीं ॥
“Shrim Ka Aye Ei La Hrim; Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hrim; Sa Ka La Hrim ||”

This sixteenth syllable that is Kala (Shrim) is ‘ S ‘ plus ‘ r ‘ plus ‘ i ‘ plus ‘ m ‘, from which the Vidya itself derives its name of Sri-vidya.


Maa Bhuvaneshvari, literally means ‘She Whose body’s the world’. Bhuvaneshvari is connected with the Earths creation and is viewed as the underlying energy. ‘Bhu’ means Earth. She denotes Space, the space of consciousness and knowledge. Devi Bhuvaneswari embodies the dynamics of the world in all of us. She is identified using the mahabhutas (the essential physical elements) and also Prakriti (nature or the physical world). To Her worshippers, Bhuvaneswari Devi bestows knowledge, similar to Goddess Saraswati. Astrologically She is in charge of Planet Moon and is about the mind. Dus Mahavidya Mantra sadhana of Maa Bhuvaneshwari brings many blessings which include blissful married life, peace of mind, focus, sound sleep etc.
Direction: West
॥ ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नम: ॥
“Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Bhuvneshwaryeyha Namah ||”

I invoke the Goddess who presides over the richness of the whole world.


Maa Bhairavi translates to mean ‘the terrible one’ or ‘terror’. She wears Red clothing which is adorned with a garland of severed heads/skulls; Her body is smeared with blood vessels. Bhairavi is described oversees and proceeds within the three male deities who might be typically associated with creation. Bharavi Devi is thought to be very different from all the Gods and even surpassing them. This emphasis is quite common in a lot of hymns/stotras of Goddesses, especially of the Mahavidyas. Her image shows Her with four hands with a Pustaka(book) in one hand and a Japa Mala (Rosary) in another, out of Her four hands. Bhairavi also assumes the role of an educator and produces the Vedas as a result of Her wisdom.

Direction: South
॥ ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥
“Om Hreem Bhairavi Kalaum Hreem Svaha॥”

I invoke Goddess Bhairavi who is the is the consort of Bhairava, seated on a lotus with four hands, one with a book, one with rosary beads, one with abhaya mudra and another with varada mundra.


The self-decapitated Goddess Chinnamasta’s iconography is another Ugra roop of the Dus Mahavidya, which can be termed truly terrifying. Chinnamasta means ‘She whose head is severe’ and is also called Prachanda Chandika. Chinnamasta is illustrated holding Her very own amputated head in a single hand, with a sword in the other, drinking Her very own blood, that spurts from Her neck. She represents sacrifice, both the giver and the taker of life. The Astrological Planet Rahu, a malefic Planet by nature, is controlled by Chinnamasta Maa. She may be worshipped by a native who has weak placement of Rahu in the birth chart, to get Her protection from the many ill-effects of Rahu. Her teachings are deep and mostly invoked in Tantra Sadhana.

Direction: East
॥ श्रीं क्लीं ह्रीं ऐं वज्र वैरोचनीये हूं हूं फट् स्वाहा ॥
“Shreem Kleem Hreem Aim Vajra Vairochneye Hoom Hoom Phat Swaha ||”

I invoke Goddess Chhinnmastika who is the lighting-force power behind the Lord who wields the Vajra, the weapon of the God Indra (King of Heaven). You are the one who fulfils the desires and saves from all sorts of worries.


Dhumavati is called the widow Goddess. She is typically depicted to be ugly, with dishevelled hair and Her eyes brimming with concern. She symbolizes the painful and burdensome aspects connected with life. The story of Dhumavati says that She swallowed Her husband Lord Shiva to appease Her hunger. Smoke started emanating from Her body as a result of that and so She is named Dhumavati, ‘Dhuma’ means smoke. She is also sometimes regarded as an old form of Kali, wherein Maa Dhumavati represents timelessness and unmanifest life-forces. The effects of Planet Ketu is under Her control.

Direction: East

॥ ऊँ धूं धूं धूमावती स्वाहा ॥
“Om Dhoom Dhoom Dhoomavti Phat Swaha ||”

Prayers to the one who creates an illusionary smoke screen (Dhum= smoke, Vati = cover) in the form of old age and death. May we see beyond the fear of illusions and mortality to truth and immortality.


Maa Bagalamukhi can be often called ‘the paralyzer’. She emits any grim disposition which is heavily intoxicated. Her complexion is completely golden, embellished simply by Her yellow dress, ornaments, and garland. Goddess Bagalamukhi possesses magical power. Her devotees are protected severely by Her and it is said that anyone trying to cause harm to them will be transfixed, a power which She also bestows to Her devotee. Maa Baglamukhi is the Goddess for Planet Mars and all its effect. She is a favourite of Tantra Sadhana.

Direction: South

॥ ऊँ हल्रीं बगलामुखी नमः ॥
“Om Hreem Baglamukhi Namah ||”

This mantra creates stillness and silence by destroying the creator and illusion, leaving us to dwell on the inner-most self that is beyond ego and illusion.


Maa Matangi is thought to be the outcaste. A particular myth related to Matangi touches on the concept of being polluted simply by associating with your Candalas, or the untouchables. She is about leadership, the Ruler. By worshipping this Dus Mahavidya Devi’s Yantra, chanting Her Mantra, wishes of the devotee are fulfilled. Astrology has put Her in charge of the effects of Planet Sun.

Direction: West

॥ ऊँ ह्रीं क्लीं हूं मातंग्यै फट् स्वाहा ॥
“Om Hreem Kleem Hoom Matangyey Phat Swaha ||”

I invoke Matangi, the one who destroys the demons by enchanting them first. Illuminate me with true knowledge of inspiration and expression.


Devi Kamala, the final Goddess of the Mahavidyas, is known as the Lotus Goddess. Kamala is the Tantric Laksmi. Among the many goddesses included in the ten Mahavidyas, Kamala is typically the most popular and well acknowledged. She is the Goddess with almost completely auspicious and desirable qualities. Maa Kamala blesses with many things which humans generally seek, such good luck, luxuries, success, name and safety. Planet Venus is under the control of Maa Kamala.

Direction: South

॥ ॐ ह्रीं हूं ग्रें क्षों क्रों नमः ॥
“Om Shreem Hoom Grem Kshom Krom Namah ||”

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Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi https://pratyangiradevi.in/sri-maha-pratyangira-devi/ https://pratyangiradevi.in/sri-maha-pratyangira-devi/#respond Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:15:46 +0000 https://pratyangiradevi.in/?p=1793 The Goddess to Counter Black Magic Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi is a powerful Devi who is said to have destroyed Sarabheswara’s arrogance. Sarabheswara is an ugra avatar of Lord Siva. She is also known as Narasimhika [in Kalisahasranama Stotram], “She who is the Ferocious Half Human Half Lion of Courage”. It is said that when […]

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The Goddess to Counter Black Magic

Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi is a powerful Devi who is said to have destroyed Sarabheswara’s arrogance. Sarabheswara is an ugra avatar of Lord Siva. She is also known as Narasimhika [in Kalisahasranama Stotram], “She who is the Ferocious Half Human Half Lion of Courage”. It is said that when Narashimhika shakes her Lion’s Mane, she throws the stars into disarray. She is enveloped as bliss in the letter “Ksham”. In the Rig Veda khila kAndam a suktam named Pratyangira sUktam occurs. Another name of the atharvaveda is atharvAngirasa. Angirasa veda denotes black magic or witchcraft. Angirasa kalpa denotes a manual on witchcraft. Prati-Angirasa denotes counter-witch craft. I hazard a guess that the name pratyangira is derived from this. She is supposed to frustrate the witchcraft attacks by enemies. Sri Pratyangira Devi is also associated with Sri Chakra. She is considered to be a powerful repellent of the influences generated by witchcraft. In Sri Chakra worship, she protects the devotees against all odds and guides him/her along the right path. The most detailed source for worshipping Pratyangira is Meru Tantra. Pratyangira mantras are also given in Mantra-mahodadhi and some other texts. Pratyangira is sometimes identified with Bhadrakali and Siddhilakshmi. However it is far better to worship Devi in One form as Kali, Kamalatmika, Tara, Tripurasundari etc. Pratyangira sadhana is done mainly to protect yourself from attacks of black magic (Dhurmantravaadam) and to prosper in your life. There are many benefits of this sadhana.
In some images she is shown with a dark complexion, ferocious in aspect, having a lion’s face with reddened eyes and riding a lion, entirely nude or wearing black garments, she wears a garland of human skulls; her hair strands on end, and she holds a trident, a serpent in the form of a noose, a hand-drum and a skull in her four hands. She is also associated with Bhairava, and she has a variant form, namely Atharvana-Bhadra-Kali. She is also known by the name Narasimhi. Narasimha is an ugra or ferocious from of Narayana, or Vishnu. By drinking the blood of rakshasas, Lord Narasimha was in a very destructive mode, which made everyone tremble. Shiva came to pacify him and he could not succeed. Lord Shiva took the form of Sharabha a bird and human combination with two wings of shakti. One wing was Shoolini and the other was Pratyangira. This form of Shiva is called Sharabheshwara. Sharabheshwara’s efforts or Shoolini’s efforts could not control the Ugra Narasimha. Pratyangira was released from his wing and then she took the female form of Narasimha, and calmed down the Lord. Pratyangira is the lion headed form of the divine mother. It is told that if her mantra is used to harm others for material gains and settle enmity it can react and adversely affect the individual performing such rites. Many of the protective forms of deities also have destructive powers, like Pratyangira, Shulini, Siddhakubjika, Raktakali, Aghora, Vatuka, Bhairava, Sharabheshwara, Narasimha, and Sudarshana. They all have destructive aspects and destructive applications are described in the scriptures. It is said that when Lord Narasimhadeva, an incarnation of the supreme Lord Vishnu, did not calm down after the slaying of the demon Hiranyakshipu, many great sages were praying for his peaceful form. Even Lord Shiva was asked to appear in his special form as Sharabha (a bird like creature who devours lions and elephants) to cool down Lord Narasimha. However, when Sharabha approached Lord Narasimha, he became even more ferocious and revealed His special form as Asta Muhka Ganda Berundha Narasimha, having 8 heads. Garuda (eagle face, giving health and counteracting poisons), Varahadeva (a boar face, removing black magic), Hanuman (monkey face,protecting from evil forces, and returning lost objects), Baluka (bear face, protectig in darkness and giving opulence), Hayagriva (horse face, giving wisdom and life force), Vyagra (tiger face, giving protection in battle and liberating from all kinds of diseases, evil spirits and demons), Gandaberundha (two faces of a special bird like phoenix, giving peace of mind) and Lord Narasimha himself (lion face, giving liberation and devotional service to the Supreme). The Sharabha Form of Shiva was then torn apart in a hundred pieces, and only Lakshmidevi in her secret tantric form as Sri Narasimhi was able to bring Lord Narasimha back to His shanti Rupa, peacefully reclining in company with Laxmi devi on Anantashesha. The Pratyangira aspect of the Divine has been a bit of a secret for most of these past ages. Many believed that direct experience with this energy was reserved for saints and rishis. Seeing Pratyangira in any form was considered an enormous blessing, and an indication that you were in similar company. Pratyangira comes from a deep, deep place within the Divine Mother. As Pratyangira energy manifests, it’s often a very swift and sometimes ferocious current. Many of the saints who’ve seen it’s energetic expression have described it as half lion and half human. The lion head is that of a male and the body is that of a female, representing the union of Shiva and Shakti. In her full form, she is humongous, with 1008 heads (symbolically representing the 1008-petalled Sahasrara Chakra, the universal chakra of cosmic energy) and 2016 hands, riding majestically on a chariot pulled by 4 lions (representing the 4 Vedas), carrying many swords for removing obstacles. The jaws of so many lions makes it very powerful for destroying negative karmas, and a great blessing for anyone on a spiritual path. However, such a current can be understandably rough, so it’s wise to approach with respect and some consideration of what our heart is asking for. Two rishis in the ancient times, Pratyangira and Angiras, in their deep meditation, discovered this goddess through her moola mantra in the ethereal waves of the sound current. And though this Mother is nameless, she honored these Rishis by giving the blessings to be named after them. She has hence been known as Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi. The beejaksharam (seed letter) of her mantra is ksham (bliss). Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi is all powerful and secretly protects devotees and others. She is always by the side of Her devotees. She is within each and every being in all planes of existence, and there to be awakened within. An awareness of Sri Maha Pratyangira Devi has been only quietly known, until recently. Although the siddha masters and great maha rishis like Sri Dhurvasha Munivar and Puli Paani Siddhar have been devotees of this mother.

Prathyangira Amman is believed to have been born to calm Narasimha Swami’s anger and to save the world from his wrath after he killed Asuran Hiranyakashipu. One story from our purana states that when Hiranyakashipu was killed, Narasimha swami’s ugraham was unbearable and could not be pacified by other Gods. They feared that his anger might destroy the three worlds and all creations will come to a stand-still. The Gods approached Lord Shiva to help calm Narasimha Swami. Lord Shiva worshiped the Tri Shakthis (Parvati, Mahalakshmi & Saraswathi) and with their combined powers incarnated in the form of a Sarabha Pakshi as Lord Sarabeshwarar. From his wings appeared a huge fearful Goddess called Prathyangira. Her form was powerful, 1000 times larger than Sarabeshwarar, her head rising above the clouds and her feet well into the underworlds, fearsome with 1000 faces of roaring lions, 2000 protruded blood shot red eyes, 2000 hands with multiple ayudham, 1000 blood stained tongues protruding from her wide opened mouth. It is believed her creation came with thunder and lightning and as soon as Narasimha Swami saw her huge figure, he realized the mission of his Avataram and calmed immediately. In her potri malai she is beautifully described as “Sarabeshan Rekkaiyaal Vandhavale Potri, Seeriya Simha mugam etravale Potri, Narasimhan Ugiram Thaniththavale Potri, Engal Annai Sri Prathyangira Potri”.

According to another story, it is also believed that Sages Angiras and Prathyangiras meditated on this Devi and as a result Prathyangira appeared in front of them and pleased with their bhakti offered to have their names combined as hers. The Moola Mantram was then created. In her Potri Malai, she is referred as “Angirasar Prathyangirasar Dyaname Potri”.

A third story even refers to Mata Prathyangira as having destroyed the ego of Lord Sarabeshwarar. She is also called Narasimhi. In her dhyanam we may often see “Narasimhi Kripasindho, Prathyangari”; Narasimhi, because she hosts the face of a lion and body of a beautiful woman.

Similar to Varahi Amman, many people fear to keep a photo of Prathyangira because she is once again thought of as a Ugraha Deivam or Dushta Deivam. People who think like that are ignorant of her karunai, azhagu, mahimai. “Aval Samaanya Patta Deivam Illai…. Maha Mayee”… When we look at her, we often find her mouth wide opened, and this makes many fear her. There are two version that I have heard about this roopam. One is that with her mouth wide open, she sucks in all the Dushta Shakthi, Valvinaigal, Theeya Shakthis and releases her bhakthas from Dhrishti and Seivinai. In her Potri Malai, she is described as “Val Vinaigal Yaavaiyume Theerpavale Potri, Engal Annai Sri Prathyangira Potri”.

Second interpretation is that she is in a state of Dhyanam. When one reaches the liberation point or Uccha Dhyana Nilai, it is believed that the mouth is widely opened. Prathyangira forever performs Dhyanam or Yoga for us, for her bhakthas. She is Sri Chakra Swaroopini. “Ksham” is her Bheeja Mantram. While talking about Prathyangira Amman, she is often associated with Bhairavar.. She is called Bhairava Pathnee or Atharvana Bhadra Kali (since Kali is considered to be Bhairavar’s wife). In her Potri Malai, she is described as “Bhairavar Manam Niraindhai Potri”. She is considered to be the protector of the Universe, the Nayaki of Atharvana Vedam. In Ayyawadi, Thanjavur, she is seated in the middle of a graveyard.

The message we need to understand from this is not that she is a Dushta Devadhai, but like Lord Shiva, she is the Amman who gives us Gnyanam, self-realization. She is not to be mistaken as someone who causes Death or is associated with Death. By living in the graveyard, surrounded by skulls, bones and burning pyres, she is revealing the truth associated with Maanida Janmam. We would have heard of this Siddhar Padal “Nandavanathil Ore Andi, Avan Naalu Aru Madhangalai Kuzhavanai Vendi, Kondu Vandhaan Oru Thondi, Adhai Koothaadi Koothaadi Pottu Udaithaandi” which conveys that Anyone Born Has to Die one day… burnt ashes is the Truth of Life.

Worshipping Prathyangira Amman relieves us from all kinds of dosham, accidents, enemies, diseases, wrath, curses, obstacles, black magic. She bears 8 snakes on her body. Her Potri Malai describes her as “Ashta Nagam Konda Kali Thirisuli”. Those who have Sarpa Dosham or often get scary dreams involving Snakes can worship Prathyangira Devi for instant relief. It is believed that Prathyangira Amman relieves us from Rahu Dosham and Varahi Amman relieves us from Ketu Doshams. Devotees who have experienced her Mahima have shared stories wherein by just spreading her kumkumam around the house or at the entrance of the house acts like a barrier and protects the house and family from Dushta Atma, snakes and other Visha (poisonous) Jeevangal.

The following are Prathyangira Devi’s favorite foods:

  1. Panakam (jaggery crushed in pure water, flavoured with cardamom, dried ginger)
  2.  Paruppu-Vellam Payasam (made with Kadalai Paruppu, Paitham Paruppu, Jaggery, Coconut and Pure Milk)
  3.  Ulundu Vadai
  4. Ellu Urundai
  5.  Red Banana (Chevvazhai Pazham)
  6.  Pomegranate
  7.  Dates

The following are Prathyangira Devi’s favourite colors (for sarees):

  1. Deep Red (preferred by Shantha Prathyangira & Ugraha Prathyangira)
  2.  Purple (preferred by Shantha Prathyangira)
  3.  Yellow (preferred by Shantha Prathyangira)
  4. Black (preferred by Ugraha Prathyangira)

The following are special days for pooja for Prathyangira Amman:

  1. Amavasya
  2. Ashtami
  3.  Sunday
  4.  Tuesday
  5. Friday
The following is Prathyangira Amman’s moola mantram and some simple shlokams. Mantram chanted in Sri Maha Prathyangira Homam: Om Ksham Krishna Vasase, Simha Vadhane, Maha Vadhane, Maha Bhairavi, Sarva Shatru Karma Vidhdwamsini, Paramanthra Chetini, Sarva Bhootha Dhamani, Sarva Bhoothaam Pandha Pandha, Sarva Vignyaan Sindhi Sindhi, Sarva Vyadhir Nikrindha Nikrindha, Sarva Dhushtaan Paksha Paksha, Jwala Jihwe, Karaala Vakhtre, Karaala Dhamshtrey, Prathyangire Hreem Swaaha. Slokam – 1 Aparaajithaayaicha Vidhmahe Shatru Nishoodhinyaicha Theemahi Thanno Prathyangirayai Prachodhayaath : Slokam – 2 Ugram Veeram Maha Shakthim Jwalantham Sarvathomukham Prathyangira Bheeshanam Pathram Mrityum Mrithyum Namaamyaham Slokam – 3 Amma Prathyangira, Devi Prathyangira Sathyam Prathyangira, Sarvam Prathyangira Shozinganalluril Vaazhum Prathyangira Valvinaigal Theerkum Annaiye Prathyangira Sri Prathyangira Gayatri Mantra: Om Aparajeethaya Vidhmahey Pratyangiraya Dheemahi Thano Ugra Prachodhayaath… Om Pratayangiraya Vidhmahey Sathrunisoothiniya Dheemahi Thano Devi Prajothayaath For those who find this difficult, just chant “Jay Prathyangira, Jaya Jaya Prathyangira” as much as you can.

Sri Prathiyangira Devi Temples:

These are some of the temples of Sri Prathiyangira Devi:

  1. Ayyavadi(Aivar Padi) near Kumbakonam (South India). Here her deity is lion faced with 18 hands.

This temple for Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi is situated in a small village called Ayyavadi around 6 kms from Kumbakonam.

Located just 500 mts from Uppiliappan temple, this village was once called as Aivar Padi.According to legends, the 5 Pandavas visited this place, kept their weapons under a tree, worshipped Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi and went around in the forests. As the five Pandavas worshipped here, it is beleived that the place was called as Aivar Padi which later changed as Ayyavadi.

In Ramayana, Indrajit, son of Ravana performed a Yaga called “Nigumbalai Yagam”, worshipping Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi. It is beleived that from this Ayyavadi he performed the Yaga. If he had completed the Yaga successfully, he would have got the powers to kill Rama.

But somehow it was spoiled by Lakshmana and Anjaneya before completion. Here the Devi is seated on the chariot with 4 lions, 8 arms with weapons possessing Lion’s face.

Sri Maha Prathyangira Devi’s worship will take away all evil forces and unsolvable problems from one’s life. In this temple Homams are conducted every full moon day and No moon day, after which huge volumes of Red Chillies are offered to the Goddess.

  1. Vedian Enthal a small village near Manamadurai (South India). Here she is five faced and seated on a lotus.
  2. In the corridor of the Karumariamman Temple (Chennai).
  3. A private temple at Solinga Nallur (Chennai).

Lord Vishnu took the Narasimha Avatar to kill the demon king Hiranyakasipu who is the father of Prahalada. After being so furiously fought with so much of power to kill the king, the anger and the fierce of Narasimha didnt come down. With so much of anger Narasimha couldn’t make out between good and bad people and started disturbing everyone and no one could control him. People prayed Lord Shiva to save them.

Lord Shiva took a new and powerful form or Avatar as Sarabeswara, with lion’s face and eagle’s wings. Shakthi accompanied Lord Shiva in the form of Sri Mahaprathyangira Devi seated on one of the wings of Sri Sarabeswara. Sarabeswarar went and subsided Narasimha’s anger to bring back peace.


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