Pratyangira Devi


Spiritual cleansing of the black covering formed by negative energies around oneself

Did you know that removing one’s black energy covering can help you at a physical, psychological and spiritual level ? It can even alleviate physical and mental ailments.

1. Introduction to black covering

Even since we were young, our parents have ingrained in us the practice of bathing at least once a day. If need be, sometimes we bathe 2 or 3 times a day. This helps to clean our physical body. It also has a spiritual benefit to some extent. Unfortunately, what most of us have not learnt is that we also have to clean ourselves at a spiritual level on a daily basis. A black energy covering invariably gets formed around us on an everyday basis. Most of us cannot perceive it as it is subtle in nature, but it affects us negatively at a physical, psychological and spiritual level. In this article, we have shared some practical tips on how to diagnose whether one has a black energy covering and how to remove it. It is as important as bathing on a daily basis, if not more important.

2. Feelings and signs of a black energy covering – how to understand that we have developed a covering ?

To accurately understand if one is affected by a black energy covering, one needs to have a sixth sense.

However, the following are some physical/psychological indications of having a black energy covering.

  • Feeling of heaviness in the body
  • Feeling sluggish
  • If the black covering is formed on the entire body, we may perceive the existence of something around our body. We may feel that some sort of sheath is around us.
  • If specific parts of the body are covered with black energy, then problematic symptoms may be seen at those places. For example :
    • If the covering is on the head, one may perceive that someone is pressing it from the top or feel a crown or a cap is on one’s head. This mostly leads to reduced capability to comprehend and make decisions along with feeling confused.
    • If the covering is on the eyes, we may perceive a subtle veil in front of the eyes or blurry vision.
    • If the covering is on the chest, we may feel that someone is trying to create an obstruction in our breathing or feel discomfort in the chest area.

Through spiritual practice, one gains the subtle ability to perceive a black energy covering. When such people look at a person with black energy covering, they will feel that they cannot see the person’s face clearly. It will appear hazy to them. When in close proximity to a person with a black covering, one can experience subtle pressure, nausea and at times a foul odour as well.

3. What is the extent of the black energy covering on people nowadays ?

The extent of a black energy covering can only be correctly understood through the medium of an advanced level of sixth sense. Those who have an advanced level of sixth sense of vision will be able to observe the extent of the covering visually. Those who are sensitive to subtle vibrations can actually feel the extent of the covering on a person with their hands through their subtle motor organs. The higher the spiritual level of the person taking the reading of the black energy covering, the more the accurate is the reading.

In the table below, we provide a rough estimate of the black energy covering that is seen on various people.

Source of data : Spiritual Research through the medium of an advanced level of sixth sense conducted by the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (also known as the Maharshi University of Spirituality), Goa, India, June 2020

Footnotes :

  • Approximately 50% of the world’s population is affected by negative energies to some extent.
  • Approximately 30% of the world’s population is possessed or controlled by negative energies.
  • Samashti sadhanais doing spiritual practice to help society to grow spiritually. Higher-level negative energies attack such seekers to prevent them from spreading Spirituality and hence positivity in society. Even though they are attacked by negative energies, such seekers are graced with Divine protection from God.
  • Some seekers are possessed by negative energies even before they start spiritual practice. Negative energies attack them to a greater extent to create obstacles in their spiritual practice. However, with continued spiritual practice, the hold of the negative energy over them reduces. Samashti sadhanahelps such seekers earn the grace of God to overcome their distress in time.

4. Types of black covering and features

Negative energies can make use of different types of black energy. The generic form of black energy can be used to create problems which have a negative impact. For example, negative energies could create illness or instigate violence through this type of black energy.

Another type of black energy is one that creates illusory (mayavi) vibrations. It has the ability to make something appear pleasant or beneficial when it is not. For example, cola drinks and most makeup (cosmetics) emit these types of negative vibrations. This type of black energy can be more dangerous than the first kind because it makes something harmful seem appealing.

A third type of black energy is one that creates enticing (mohini) vibrations. It can be used by negative energies possessing a person to make him or her appear very alluring and seductive. It can also be used to create excessive sexual thoughts in a person. For example, these enticing vibrations can make a person look so attractive that it projects them to stardom, thus negatively influencing society to a large extent.

Just as there are different types of negative energy, there are various types of positive energy which we will be covering in our article – What is positive energy ? (Coming soon)

6. How often should one remove black energy covering in the current times ?

As we are currently in a very spiritually adverse time which will last till 2023, it is suggested that people practice the removal of black energy coverings more frequently. We have provided a table below to explain how often one should practice the removal of black energy coverings.

Seekers who are doing samashti sadhana, i.e. doing spiritual practice to help society to grow spiritually while they grow spiritually at a rapid rate, are also targeted by negative energies who try and put obstacles in their spiritual paths. It is for this reason that they are advised to practise the removal of black energy covering more often.

7. How to remove black energy covering


Any spiritual activity should be started with a prayer to God. For the removal of black energy covering, a prayer on the following lines can be said.

‘O God, by Your grace, let me be able to remove the distressing subtle black energy covering on my body properly. Let no one in the vicinity be affected by the covering that I am going to remove. May the distress caused by the negative energies that I am suffering from be removed at the earliest.’

Remember to offer a prayer of gratitude after removing the black energy covering.

7.1 Method 1 : Chanting

Chanting the Name of God with spiritual emotion attracts/generates positive energy. The spiritual energy generated with chanting the Name of God helps to destroy any black energy covering. The benefit of this method is that it can be done at any time.

Through spiritual research we have found that one can begin by chanting one of the following Names of God to remove any black energy covering.

  • Shri Gurudev Datta
  • Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevaya
  • Shri Durgadevyai Namaha

One can start by chanting the above Names of God for 1 month each. If relief is not found from the first chant, i.e. Shri Gurudev Datta, then after 4 weeks one should switch to chanting the next Name of God in the sequence which is Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevaya.

The reason we have provided 3 chants is akin to how a doctor sometimes changes the medication based on how the symptoms change. If one has not obtained relief from any of the above chants after 3 months, then one should consult a spiritually evolved person or consult SSRF through our Live chat facility.

Please note that chanting the Name of God should also be done along with any of the other techniques provided below for the removal of a black energy covering.

Method 3B : Using gomutra (Indian cow’s urine)

9. How to purify the surrounding area after removing one’s black covering

After removing the black energy covering, it is recommended that one spiritually purifies the premises. There are a few ways one can do this.

  • One can take a lit incense stick in an anti-clockwise direction around the perimeter of the house. Taking the incense stick in this direction activates the Destroyer Principle of God which protects against negative energies and nullifies attacks by them.
  • Playing a chant (Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevaya) at a low volume in the premises (at a low volume so as not to disturb others.
  • Playing the bhajans(devotional songs) composed and sung by His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj.

10. Key points to remember

  • Removing the black energy covering around oneself should be done every day.
  • Not doing it will compromise the effectiveness of any spiritual efforts we make.
  • Regular use of the above-mentioned spiritual healing remedies increases feelings of lightness, clarity, enthusiasm and helps one to make efforts in spiritual practice.

We pray that our readers are able to gain spiritual benefit by applying these spiritual healing remedies.

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